
7 Social Media Management Tips to Improve Your Workflow

social media management tips by bujoi media

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Social media has revolutionized our world, but it has also become a major time suck. Both for the users who can get caught up scrolling for hours and for the brands managing their profiles.

We need to upload fresh content, answer direct messages, answer comments, and find content to share elsewhere. That takes time and an element of constant attention.

Social media has made it easier than ever to find exactly what we want when we want it, find reviews, see what something looks like before we buy it or visit, and allows us to follow the people and brands we adore.

In short, it does great things, but how can you manage your social media accounts more effectively so that you can spend more time doing what you love? Even if that’s scrolling through your feeds on your personal account! Keep reading for social media management tips to improve your workflow.

Social Media Management Tips #1: Set Up Goals

List the goals you want to achieve by utilizing social media channels. Increased brand awareness? More website traffic? More sales?

Break down your big goals into smaller actionable steps.

Set up a clear deadline for each of the goals and smaller milestones. This will help you stay motivated and keep focused on the social media task.

Ask yourself, how many social media platforms do you need to post on to reach your goals? Which channels? You would be surprised that you can do more with less if you carefully choose the right platforms.

Social Media Management Tips #2: Batch Content

Have you ever heard of batching or time-blocking?

These are two concepts that help you stop doing the same tasks day-in, day-out, and instead spend a day or two a week getting all your content created for your social media profiles (or anything else, for that matter) for the week, month, or even quarter ahead.

If you need quality content to upload on a daily basis, batching may be the answer for you.

There’s nothing wrong with taking professional shots or writing out posts weeks or months in advance and using them whenever you need to.

You can schedule one for each day or simply use them whenever you don’t have a daily upload ready to go.

Either way, you have a piece of content ready whenever you need it. No more sitting at your desk wondering what to write or how you’ll take a good picture when you’re sick.

Social Media Management Tips #3: Use a Scheduling Tool 

There are plenty of scheduling tools that will help you stay on your schedule, post at the best times, and manage your comments.

If you aren’t already using one, you’re making a mistake.

Not only do they help you manage your time, and you can batch content even more effectively, but you can also analyze what posts do best.

There are plenty of tools out there, so use the free trials most of them offer to find which one you like.

Social Media Management Tips #4: Analyze Your Data

Schedule a time in the day or once a week to check your social media analytics. You need to see what’s going on or if there are any topics trending you can post about more.

Social media is immediate and all about the now – unless someone’s super interested in you they’re not going to scroll back through your feed to see what you were posting six months ago.

Use your social media data to see how your posts do out in the wild and analyze what worked for them and what didn’t.

When you find something that works, repeat it, and continue to analyze the data.

Social Media Management Tips #5: Use Tools to Stay Up to Date 

Tools like Buzzsumo can help you stay up to date on what other people all over the internet are saying about your brand.

If you want to connect with influencers or find potential partners for future collaboration, these tools can help.

Not only will you know what others around the web are saying, but you can use those positive articles and posts and share them with your social media following for content they may be interested in or as social proof.

Social Media Management Tips #6: Schedule Social Media Time 

Just as we talked about in the time-blocking point, it’s well worth doing that for daily and weekly social media management tasks, as well as blocking out post creation time.

If you know you can get wrapped up in social media for hours you need to schedule a definitive start and stop time.

When you fit this into your day, and even how many times you need to will vary from person to person and brand to brand, but ensure you set a time when you put social media down for now and get on with other tasks.

Conversely, if you find doing some social media management tasks a chore, scheduling them for a defined time period will motivate you to get them done.

Social Media Management Tips #7: Repurpose Your Content

If some of your posts performed well in the past, give them another turn.

One of the ways is to convert your content into another format, e.g. video’s main points into an infographic or text. Or you can add new bullet points to make the earlier post longer and up to date.

Posting the material onto another social media channel also helps. Always let others share your content.

Or just repost that wow post on the same platform again, with some little changes – for those who for some reason missed it out before.

Key Points

  • List the goals you want to achieve with social media channels.
  • Batching or time-blocking will help you help spend a day or two a week getting all your content created for your social media profiles.
  • Use a scheduling tool to stay on your schedule, post at the best times, and manage your comments.
  • Schedule a time in the day or once a week to check your social media analytics. When you find something that works, repeat it, and continue to analyze the data.
  • There are tools you can use to stay up to date on what other people all over the internet are saying about your brand.
  • Set up a definite time to handle social media for your business.
  • Repurpose the content that worked well.

Do you need assistance with social media management for your business? Contact BUJOI Media today!

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